Avodah: Common Acronyms

Here's a hopefully useful but incomplete list of acronyms that are standard to Avodah, but aren't in common usage. I marked each either "A" for those specific to Avodah; "J" those that are used in Jewish internetting; and "I" denote those acronyms used throughout the internet culture.

A chaveir on the list is often refered to by his initials preceded by a leading "R" for Rav or Reb. (For example, I would be RMB, and R' Bechhofer is RYGB.) This ambiguity allows you to avoid insulting someone by omitting a well-earned title while not requiring that people toot their own horns to let you know such titles exist. The female equivalent is R'in for Rebbetzin or R'it for Rabbanit.

Acronym VenueMeaning
A/A A Avodah / Areivim (not to be confused with AA: Alcoholics Anonymous)
AFAIK I as far as I know
AH A alav hashalom, or, Aruch haShulchan
AIUI I as I understand it
AYH A a reference to the question about an email: Does this detract from Ahavas or Yir'as Hashem? (see DNA)
AZ A avodah zarah
BHBS A Baruch Hu uBaruch Shemo
BhM A Birchas haMazon / Beis haMikdosh (see BM)
BM A Beis haMikdosh (see BhM) / Beis Medrash
b"n A beli neider
B"N A Ben Noach
BTW I By the way
C J Conservative
CC A the Chafeitz Chaim (see MB)
CDRG A cheirem diRabbeinu Gershom
ChL A chutz la'aretz (also, ChuL) Chovos haLvavos
ChM A chol hamo'ed
ChuL A chutz la'aretz (also, ChL)
CI A Chazon Ish
CM A Choshein Mishpat
CKvS A Chag kasher vesamei'ach
CS A Chasam Sofer
c"v A chas vishalom
DL A Dati Le'umi (see RZ)
DNA A Darchei No'am alert -- a warning email from Avodah's moderator (see AYH) (sometimes: deoxyribonucleic acid)
EE A Even haEzra (see also EhE)
EhE A Even haEzra (see also EE)
EY A Eretz Yisrael
FOAF I friend of a friend -- the source of all urban legends
FWIW I for what it's worth
FYI I for your information
GG A Gud gezogt! (well said!; see ZGG)
H' J Hashem
HKBH A HaKadosh Baruch Hu (also HQBH)
HP A hashgochah peratis
HQBH A HaQadosh Baruch Hu (also HKBH)
IIANM I if I am not mistaken
IIRC I if I recall correctly (a stronger form of ISTR)
IIUC I if I understand correctly
IMHO I in my humble opinion (see IMO, LAD)
IMO I in my opinion (see IMHO, LAD)
IOW I in other words
ISTR I I seem to recall (a weaker form of IIRC)
KT A Kol tuv! (a greeting)
LAD J lifi aniyus da'ati (see IMHO, IMO)
LH J lashon hara
L J Lubavitch
LW A left wing
MA A Magein Avraham
MB A Mishnah Berurah (see CC)
MmD A Mesukim MiDevash, an AishDas weekly on machshavah, mussar and tefillah.
MmE A Michtav meEliyahu (see REED)
MMG"H A a defunct AishDas learning program (mikra, mishna, gemara & halachah)
MOAG A "Making of a Gadol", a book (rapidly pulled from the shelves) by RNKaminetzky
MO J Modern Orthodox
M"T A matan Torah
MvR A Maran veRabbanan
NIRC A Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Baltimore)
NK A Neturei Karta
O J Orthodox
OC A Orach Chaim (also, O"Ch)
O"Ch A Orach Chaim (also, OC)
OCR J Orthodox vs. Conservative vs. Reform
OhB A Olam haBa
OP I Original Post/Poster
OTOH I on the one/other hand
R A Rabbi; Rav; Reb; occasionally: Reform Jew / Judaism
RAS A Rav Aharon Soloveitchik
RBShO A Ribbono shel Olam
REED A Rav Eliyahu E. Dessler (see MmE)
REW A Rav Elchanan Wasserman, Hy"d
RH A Rosh HaShanah
RMF A Rav Moshe Feinstein
RMMS A Rav Menachem Mendel Shneerson (the Lubavitcher Rebbe)
Rn A Rebbetzin (see R'; also, R'it)
ROY A Rav Ovadiah Yosef
RSRH A Rav Samson Rephael Hirsch
RSZA A Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
Rt A Rabbanit (see R'; also, R'in)
RW A right wing
RYBS A Rav Yoseph Ber Soloveitchik (also RYDS)
RYDS A Rav Yoseph Dov haLevi Soloveitchik (also RYBS)
RY A Rosh Yeshiva
RYS A Rav Yisrael (Lipkin) Salanter
RZ A Religious Zionist, -ism (see DL)
SA J Shulchan Aruch
SE A Seridei Eish
SOP I Standard Operating Procedure
SR A the Satmar Rav
TE A Tzitz Eliezer
TIA I thanks in advance
TIDE A Torah im Derech Eretz
TuM A Torah uMadda
URL I universal resource locator -- a web address
VEKML A ve'ein kan makom leha'arich (this isn't the time/space to explain at length)
VIDC A vus is der chiluk? (what is the [halachic] distinction?)
WADR I with all due respect (i.e. bimchilas kivodo)
WRT I with respect to
W-t A wissenschaft
YCT A Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
YD A Yoreh Dei'ah
YK A Yom Kippur
YMMV I your mileage may vary (that was my experience, yours may vary)
YT A Yom Tov
YU A Yeshiva University
YY A Yalkut Yosef
ZGG A Zeiyer gud gezogt! (very well said!; see GG)