We compile a weekly publication of selected divrei Torah
on the parashah from around the Internet called "Toras
Aish". The newsletter is an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document that
can be printed and distributed in shul. Write to the editor, Yitz Weiss (yitz@aishdas.org) for
more information.
Toras Aish for
Terumah 5785 is available
from the web site. The next issue will become available iy"h Thursday
To subscribe: Fill out this form if you want to recieve Toras Aish
weekly by email. This is more reliable and arrives earlier than the web site.
Simply fill out the following form:
You could sponsor one week's issue. For US$36 you can support
the Torah study of hundreds of people, and lend merit to the memory of
a loved one or honor a special occasion. Please let us know at least
two weeks in advance.
Toras Aish Archive