AishDas: Chessed Projects

Pidyon Shevuyim - Freeing Captives

There are a number of shevuyim held worldwide, from the U.S. to Syria to the former Soviet Union. We offer avenues for you to get involved and help fight for their release.

Jewish Adoption

We know of hundreds of Jewish children who are adopted into non-Jewish homes each year. This is literally a sha'as hashmad, a time of militant proselytization. Christian agencies are seeking Jewish souls to "save", and will even place one of our children into their homes ahead of one of their own.

If you have room in your heart, family, and home for a Jewish child, or just want to help by donating time, property or money, please contact Siggy Berger at (973) 473-8113 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (973) 473-8113      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Tefillos for Refuah

Yehuda Poch maintains a mailing list on Jerusalem-1 ( which maintains a list of sick people that could use mention in our tephilos (prayers). The current list is also available as a web page.

To ask questions about AishDas, Toras Aish, Jewish netting, or just to say hi, mail Micha Berger.

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