Avodah Mailing List

Volume 34: Number 29

Wed, 09 Mar 2016

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Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Message: 1
From: Sheldon Krause
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 12:33:40 +0000
[Avodah] Haftora

Can DC or someone give the source references re the Haftora for pekudei when pekudei is "open"? Tx. 


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Message: 2
From: Arie Folger
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 13:04:10 +0100
Re: [Avodah] Haftara of Pekudei

R'David Cohen asked:
> I'm interested in learning whether there are any Ashkenazi communities in
> chutz la'aretz, besides those "descended" from Frankfurt (such as KAJ),
> that will be reading the haftara "Vaya'as Chirom" (Melachim I 7:40) this
> Shabbos (as per the Maharash, Maharil and Eliya Rabba) rather than
> "Vatishlam kol hamelacha" (Melachim 1 7:51).
> R' Arie Folger, do you know what will they be reading in Basel?  Munich?
> Vienna?

Munich follows Frankfurt. Basel not always, but in this case the agree.
Which means Strasbourg will also read the same, as Basel and Strasbourg are
both Minhag Alsace. For Vienna I don't know yet. Ask me next time it comes

Kol tuv,

Arie Folger,
Recent blog posts on http://rabbifolger.net/

* Koscheres Geld (Podcast)

* Kennt die Existenz nur den Chaos? G?ttliches Vorsehen im J?dischen
Gedankengut (Podcast)

* Halacha zum Wochenabschnitt: Baruch Hu uWaruch Schemo

* Is there Order to the World? Providence in Jewish Thought

* What is Modern Orthodoxy (from a radio segment)
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Message: 3
From: Akiva Miller
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 08:35:22 -0500
Re: [Avodah] Halacha Yomis - Hafrashas challah, disposal

R' Micha Berger wrote:

> Therefore, It used to be common to give challah to a kohein who
> is too young to be a problem of qeri, zav/ah, niddah or yoledes.
> Lemaaseh the minhag was below the age of 9. This is still the
> norm among Teimanim.

I am curious: Among those Teimanim, does the child say a bracha "v'tzivanu
le'echol terumah" (Rambam Terumos 15:22) upon eating that challah?

Perhaps he omits it, because it is not real chinuch, since he will stop
eating the challah well before bar/bas mitzvah. Or perhaps she *does* say
it,  in hopes of a complete taharah soon, so that it *is* a real chinuch.

Akiva Miller
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Message: 4
From: Zev Sero
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 09:10:13 -0500
Re: [Avodah] Moshiach Ben Yosef

On 03/07/2016 11:57 PM, Daniel M. Israel via Avodah wrote:

>>> What is the point of the nomenclature B'Chezkas Moshiach.

>> It's exactly like any other chazaka in halacha.  If there is a chazaka
>> that someone is Moshiach then we have to act as if he is, unless and
>> until we find out otherwise.

> Pshat in the Rambam is (and I never noticed this before) that he is
> already a melech, and then we enter into the question of whether he
> has chezkas moshiach. Which, I think, makes it possible to strengthen
> RIB?s question, namely, what specific practical difference does it
> make that an individual is b?chezkas moshiach, over and above all the
> authorities he already has as a melech?

Perhaps that he is the king of Israel, but we are not there, so he's not
necessarily *our* king.  If we are to assume he's melech hamoshiach then
he's the king of all the Jews.   Or perhaps even if we're living in EY,
who says we have to recognise him as our king?   Perhaps until he has shown
some sign of being for real we can ignore his *claims* of kingship, much as
we ignore crazy people who claim to be all sorts of things, but once it
appears that he is the real deal we must submit to him.

Zev Sero               All around myself I will wave the green willow
z...@sero.name          The myrtle and the palm and the citron for a week
                And if anyone should ask me the reason why I'm doing that
                I'll say "It's a Jewish thing; if you have a few minutes
                I'll explain it to you".

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Message: 5
From: Eli Turkel
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 09:26:04 -0500
[Avodah] Bavli variants

for a new web site with Bavli variant texts se

and look on the sidebar

Eli Turkel
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Message: 6
From: via Avodah
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 10:59:57 -0500
Re: [Avodah] ad blockers

From: Micha Berger via Avodah _avodah@lists.aishdas.org_ 

>> I am arguing, and as is evidenced by the pop-up that started  the
conversation, the ad is a tenai the vendor attaches to reshus to
look  at use of his material. <<

Micha  Berger              

In today's Wall Street Journal:
New York Times Co. is  experimenting with ways to limit its exposure to 
online ad blocking, becoming  one of the highest-profile online publishers to 
take such action. 
On Monday morning, some visitors to the Times' website who had ad blocking  
tools enabled were greeted with a message stating "The best things in life  
aren't free." To access the Times's content, they were prompted to either  
purchase a subscription or "whitelist" the site to allow its ads to appear. 
A spokeswoman for the New York Times said ..."The goal is to inform users 
of  the harm of ad blocking and to encourage the whitelisting of nytimes.com. 
Ad  blockers do not serve the long term interest of consumers. The creation 
of  quality news content is expensive and digital advertising is one way 
that The  New York Times and other high quality news providers fund news 
gathering  operations."    
....Also on Monday, online advertising trade body the Interactive 
Advertising  Bureau issued a guide for how publishers should attempt to combat ad 
blocking.  Its advice was essentially that publishers should limit access to 
their websites  and services when visitors have ad-blocking software enabled. 
--end quote--
My two cents: a strong case can be made that ad-blocking is a form  of 
--Toby Katz


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Message: 7
From: Moshe Yehuda Gluck
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 02:22:44 -0500
[Avodah] Mar'is Ayin - Hefsed Merubah

The Aruch Hashulchan OC 244 says a few times that in cases of Hefsed Merubah
we're not worried about Mar'is Ayin. This is counter-intuitive to me - if
it's a situation of Hefsed Merubah wouldn't people be more likely to think
that he's doing something wrong so as not to lose his money? There's an even
bigger reason, then, to worry about V'hiyisem N'kiyim. 


If someone can explain this to me, I would appreciate it. 



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Message: 8
From: Micha Berger
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 12:00:08 -0500
Re: [Avodah] Ten Lost Tribes

On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 09:12:22PM -0500, Micha Berger wrote:
: Malkhus Yehudah included Yehudah, Shim'on and Binyamin, as well as most
: of Levi (they tended to prefer proximity to Y-m). Shim'on only got lost
: in the sense that as they only held a constellation of cities within
: Yehudah's territory, they assimilated into Yehudah. But they should be
: among today's Jews....

I couldn't find anyone commenting on 

Personally, I flip-flop between two theories:

1- They got "scattered" into cities within Yehudah. This makes the most
sense in terms of seifer Yehoshua. E.g. the kohanim are given cities in
Yehudah, Binyamin and Shim'on, implying that Shim'on's land is nearer
the Har haBayis, and that they had territory between the cities that are
named in Yehoshua, in which the kohanic cities were located.

In which case, the most likely eventuality is the Shim'on got lost by
being assimilated into Yehudah. Which would not put them with the other
9 lost shevatim. Which is why I asked my opening question.

2- I saw someone suggest once that Shim'on's cities were on Yehudah's
border, not in the middle. Of course, it would have been too convenient
for me to have remembered who wrote the paper, sources, details, and
whether it was someone worth taking seriously.

A number of shevatim were handed cities on the border with another
sheivet. Eg Gad receiving the cities of th Gil'ad, on the border with
Menasheh. Yehoshua 13:25 refers to them as being on the border, it's
not my deduction. So, this would be consistent.

Also, the land west of Yehudah was that of the Pelishtim. The northern
part of Pelishti land is promised to Dan, which is where we find Shimshon
(from Dan), Bet Shemesh, etc... (In what we now call "the Dan Region".)
Dan ends up in the north, though, between Nephtai and Ish Menasheh,
above the headwaters that feed the Yardein and the Kineret.

So if Shim'on was originally supposed to be west of Yehudah and south
of Dan, their land would also have been unconquerable. Which makes the
idea that they were left with only their border cities right up against
Yehudah quote plausible.

If it weren't for the kohein thing (above). The west border of Yehudah
is further from the BHMQ (or Shilo) than Ephraim (N of most of Binyamin
and of Dan's original land) or West Menasheh (whose SE corner bordered

And where were these cities? Other cities along the same border? Cities
in the messianic Shim'on estate that would include Gaza, to begiven to
the kohanim if/when Shim'on ever got the allegedly (according to this
theory) promised land?

OTOH, the advantage is that if would make it far more likely for Shim'on
to be taken in the same manner as Malkhus Yisrael. The army did go
as far as Lakhish, and Chizqiyahu buys it bck (Melachim 2 18:14-17),
but ironically they leave Lakhish by moving the soldiers to seige Y-m
itself (thus the need for a water tunnel). Either way, this would put
the purported border-Shim'on on the wrong side of the Syrian army. They
did not only take the north, but wrap around Yehudah from the west.


Micha Berger             "'When Adar enters, we increase our joy'
mi...@aishdas.org         'Joy is nothing but Torah.'
http://www.aishdas.org    'And whoever does more, he is praiseworthy.'"
Fax: (270) 514-1507                     - Rav Dovid Lifshitz zt"l

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Message: 9
From: Micha Berger
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 13:13:02 -0500
Re: [Avodah] Ten Lost Tribes

Sorry for hitting "send" too soon.

On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 12:00om EST, I wrote:
: I couldn't find anyone commenting on 

to finish the sentence: either Sanhedrin (mishnah 10:3; bavli 94b, 110b;
Y-mi 10:4-5 vilna 53b) nor Melachim 1 11:31 at the start of Malkhus
Yisrael, who discussed how there are 10 shevatim not 9.

: Personally, I flip-flop between two theories:

The idea being that 9 shevatim were lost as part of Malchus Yisrael,
and Shim'on was a "lost tribe" while still from Malchus Yehudah.
Which doesn't help understand Melakhim 1, but then if you recall I
cited Chazal and didn't have Melakhim 1 pointed out to me until this

Then the question becomes, how were they lost?

: 1- They got "scattered" into cities within Yehudah...

But then they are "lost" among the Jews, and not really lost. After
all, by Chazal's day, Binyamin was equally "lost".

: 2- I saw someone suggest once that Shim'on's cities were on Yehudah's
: border...
: OTOH, the advantage is that if would make it far more likely for Shim'on
: to be taken in the same manner as Malkhus Yisrael...

But it's an idisoyncratic anonymous take that also has the "kohein city"


Micha Berger             "'When Adar enters, we increase our joy'
mi...@aishdas.org         'Joy is nothing but Torah.'
http://www.aishdas.org    'And whoever does more, he is praiseworthy.'"
Fax: (270) 514-1507                     - Rav Dovid Lifshitz zt"l

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Message: 10
From: Rich, Joel
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 14:44:35 +0000
Re: [Avodah] Mar'is Ayin - Hefsed Merubah

The Aruch Hashulchan OC 244 says a few times that in cases of Hefsed
Merubah we're not worried about Mar'is Ayin. This is counter-intuitive to
me - if it's a situation of Hefsed Merubah wouldn't people be more likely
to think that he's doing something wrong so as not to lose his money?
There's an even bigger reason, then, to worry about V'hiyisem N'kiyim...
AIUI the general rule by hefsed mrubah overriding the generally accepted
Halacha is that the generally accepted Halacha	in that case is not meikar
hadin but in deference to a particular authority's opinion. When there is
hefsed mrubah one is not required to lose lots in deference to an opinion. 
One might apply similar reasoning here

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Message: 11
From: Prof. Levine
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 11:24:03 -0500
[Avodah] Length of Kilt

Please see the clip at http://web.stevens.edu/golem/llevine/kilt_wed_dance.mp4

I know that a lady's skirt is supposed to be long enough so that when
she sits down her knees are covered. Am I to deduce from this video
that there is a  different standard for kilts?  If so, what is the
halachic source? >:-}


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Message: 12
From: Zev Sero
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 13:36:12 -0500
Re: [Avodah] Length of Kilt

On 03/09/2016 11:24 AM, Prof. Levine via Avodah wrote:
> Please see the clip at http://web.stevens.edu/golem/llevine/kilt_wed_dance.mp4
> I know that a lady's skirt is supposed to be long enough so that when
> she sits down her knees are covered. Am I to deduce from this video
> that there is a  different standard for kilts?  If so, what is the
> halachic source? >:-}

No, you are to deduce that there is a different standard for men.
I believe it's universally accepted that men are allowed to wear shorts
that end above the knee, and short-sleeved shirts that end above the
elbow (but below where the tefillin go).   So why would a kilt be any

Zev Sero               All around myself I will wave the green willow
z...@sero.name          The myrtle and the palm and the citron for a week
                And if anyone should ask me the reason why I'm doing that
                I'll say "It's a Jewish thing; if you have a few minutes
                I'll explain it to you".

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Message: 13
From: saul newman
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 12:45:44 -0800
[Avodah] ___melech, ____malach

if someone  states

__  melech  __  malach  __ yimloch leolam vaed

1] can any answer other than RBSO  be correct ?

2] if any other answer  is inserted ,  is the result kefira?
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