Let me clarify something up front: I am not
a Gerrer Chasid.
You see, generally, when I tell people that I teach
a shiur in Daf Yomi Yerushalmi, the first question they ask
me is whether I am a Gerrer Chasid. After I assure them that I am not,
they then ask if I have any Gerrer yichus at all. When I deny even
remote affiliation to Gerrer Chassidus, they seem somewhat bewildered.
Like many of you, I was thrilled to be in Madison
Square Garden and participate in the recent Siyum HaShas of the
Daf Yomi in Talmud Bavli. For me, it was the first time through
Shas. It was an even greater zechus to do so as a Maggid
As we began to draw near the end of Shas,
I began to feel the urge to learn Talmud Yerushalmi. After all,
aren't we encouraged as Bnei Torah to learn kol haTorah kulla
(the entirety of the Torah - shebiksav v'shebe'al peh)? I knew that
at the last Knessia Gedola (in 1980), the Mo'etzes Gedolei HaTorah
had adopted the initiative of the then Gerrer Rebbe, the "Lev Simcha"
zt"l (thus, the association of Yerushalmi study with Gerrer
Chassidus) and instituted a cycleSee
footnote 1 1
in Talmud Yerushalmi. At first, I found it difficult to even
find a luach for the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi. When I finally
got one, it was just before the Yerushalmi cycle began Seder
Nashim. I tried to start a shiur. No luck.
This past year, the Daf Yomi Yerushalmi
made its fourth siyum - on Thursday, 4 Adar II 5757. I eagerly awaited
that day, hoping the accompanying publicity would spark some real interest
in the study of Yerushalmi, as I was intent on beginning a shiur
that night, with the new cycle. You probably missed all the publicity.
So did I. Not one essay, even a notice or advertisement, in any English
language Orthodox periodical or newspaper.
Nevertheless, the shiur began - and it continues!
To the best of my knowledge, we (here, "out of town," in Chicago)
are the only English language Daf Yomi Yerushalmi shiur in the world
now - although I will be very happy if someone can refute that assertion.See
footnote 2 2
Talmud Bavli achieved prominence over
Talmud Yerushalmi because the Amoraim in Bavel had
access to the previously completed Yerushalmi and incorporated its
wisdom in their deliberations. (The "Amoraic" period ended earlier
in Eretz Yisroel because of terrible Roman persecutions.) The Rambam
(in the footsteps of Rabbeinu Chananel), however, often paskens
like the Yerushalmi over the Bavli. Where the Bavli
is silent, the Yerushalmi, as the repository of Chazal's
opinions, is the primary source of Dvar Hashem.See
footnote 3 3
A few words on the study of Yerushalmi:
First, I am embarrassed to say that it has been downright easy.
There are so many aids to the study of Seder Zera'im, that there
is no need to ever get stuck. These include, besides the classic peirushim
of the Pnei Moshe and Ridbaz zt"l, the extraordinarily
lucid and simple running commentary based on the shiurim of Rabbi
Chaim Kanievsky shlita (the series currently extends well into Seder
Mo'ed, and the writers are in the process of producing further volumes),See
footnote 4 4
and the more scholarly Kav v'Naki series, co-authored by Rabbis
Aryeh Carmel, Leo Levi and Gershon Metzger. Interestingly, one of the most
helpful seforim on the entire Yerushalmi, one that the Chofetz
Chayim zt"l described as indispensable to the study of Yerushalmi,
is the Mashbiach, written by the first (and I think last) Chief
Rabbi of Pittsburgh, Rabbi Sivitz zt"l, in the early twentieth
century and published here in America. The study of Yerushalmi is
easy enough, and, more significantly, its blatt are so much shorter,
that we can generally cover two blatt in an hour.
To disabuse a common misperception, Yerushalmi
is not sisrei Torah! You will not drown in a sea of mysterious ideas.
After traversing Seder Kodashim and Mesechta Nidda in the
Bavli, even Zera'im is nothing to be afraid of. There is
also far less Agadata in the Yerushalmi, and it is no more
mystical - often less so - than the Agadata in the Bavli.
(Of course, we haven't been further than the middle of Shevi'is
yet. I am extrapolating from what we have seen so far and from what I have
read in overviews.)
Yerushalmi sugyos are much shorter than
those of the Bavli. The Yerushalmi is usually content to
raise a question and let it remain unresolved, rather than pursue proofs
and disproofs. The language of the Yerushalmi itself is terser,
and it often contracts words, a phenomenon the Bavli (Bava Kamma
6b) recognizes and brands as "lishna kelila" ("light
manner of expression"). This applies even to names. For example, the
Amora known in the Bavli as Rabbi Ilo'oh (.....) is known
in the Yerushalmi as Rabbi Lo (..). This often leads novices (like
me) to incorrectly read a statement attributed to Rabbi Lo as if it is
Rebbe (Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi) saying no (amar Rebbe: Lo). The
girsa (the actual text) of the Yerushalmi is often inaccurate.
This is due both to the horrific persecutions in Eretz Yisroel that
impeded proper editing of the original text and to subsequent sloppy transcriptions.
The Gr"a zt"l, however, did much to clarify the proper
readings, and the later commentaries (particularly the Ridbaz) constantly
quote his emendations. The inaccuracy of the girsa attracted many
Acharonim to write on the Yerushalmi, as it continues to
provide fertile ground for creative interpretation. (The Rishonim
generally did not write running commentaries on the Yerushalmi.)
We have been taught to aspire to learn, in the
course of our lifetimes, as much of Toras Hashem Yisborach as possible.
The Yerushalmi includes countless inyanim that are brand
new, even to those who have learnt through the entire Bavli, new
vistas of Dvar Hashem to explore and experience. Now that many of
us have finished Bavli (at least once), it is an opportune time
to also take up the adventure of Daf Yomi Yerushalmi. Luchos
and other materials are available from Mosdos Gur, 1310 48th St.,
Brooklyn, 11219, (718) 435-8989.See
footnote 5 5
The next mesechta, Ma'asros, begins on 15 Kislev, December
14; the next Seder, Mo'ed, on 17 Nissan, April 13. Perhaps
the next siyum on Daf Yomi Yerushalmi won't take place in
the Garden - but let's ensure it gets noticed!
Converted by Andrew Scriven
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