Volume 43: Number 3
Sat, 11 Jan 2025
Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Message: 1
From: Joel Rich
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 05:55:22 +0200
Subject: [Avodah] belief
If I understand correctly, R?EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes the watchmaker
argument to prove God?s existence. He then goes on to say that this is so
obvious that anybody who denies it is doing so because of his wish to
willfully throw off the yoke of Heaven. How does this square with your
bsorot tovot
joel rich
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Message: 2
From: Joel Rich
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 05:52:25 +0200
Subject: [Avodah] technology psak
Comment on a shiur:
I found your medical ethics class regarding CRISPR and IVF et al very
interesting. There?s no doubt in my mind that the micro-halachic issues you
discussed (eg the physical risks from certain interventions) are
particularly important for individual psak today (even retired actuaries
love risk/reward analysis). However, I think the really broader
meta-halachic issues will still be the true drivers of psak even when the
technologies advance (think heart and kidney transplants and positions
taken over the years)
I think these will be resolved based on a combination of meta-halachic
principles (such as, is everything permitted unless there?s a specific
prohibition or vice versa. How much intervention is viewed as partnership
with God and how much is viewed as playing God?..) and what the hamon am
views as ?right?. If past is prologue (HT-Willie S), a lot of this will be
influenced by what this society around us decides is reasonable, which of
course gets to the whole question of the delicate dance between general
society, the hamon am, and the poskim.
Interesting times ahead even if we don?t accept AI poskim [image: ?]
Bsorot tovot
joel rich
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Message: 3
From: Joel Rich
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 13:22:45 +0200
Subject: [Avodah] hagba
Any historical sources concerning when (and why) the change in how the
torah scroll was housed (what most people would call ashkenazi vs sfardi)
and how and when hagba/glila was done?
bsorot tovot
joel rich
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