Avodah Mailing List

Volume 39: Number 52

Tue, 08 Jun 2021

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Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Message: 1
From: Prof. L. Levine
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 13:31:22 +0000
[Avodah] A Land to Which I Bring You

The following is from the sefer Rav Schwab on Chumash on Bamidbar 15:18

???????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???  ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????

Speak to the children of Israel and you shall say to them, When you arrive in the Land to which I am bringing you,

As a young man, I was zocheh to spend time in the presence of the great and
unforgettable sage, the Chafetz Chaim zt"l of Radin. After the Friday night meal, I returned to the
Chafetz Chaim's house, hoping to be able to visit with him again (I'd met him and had a long audience with him earlier in the day).
While I was there, I watched the Chafetz Chaim open a Chumash at random. He then read and translated the
following pasuk , word for word, into Yiddish, as if he were a child in cheder:

???????????? -Vehn ihr veht kumen [when you will come), ???  ???????? tzu dos Landt [to the Land], and then
he added, "!hr meint az ihr veht kumenfun zich alein [You think that you will come on your own
power], ober [but in truth], Gott Baruch Hu, zugt [G-d, Blessed be H,e, says], to which I will bring you." I wondered,
"What is the profundity of what the Chafetz Chaim is uttering?" The Chafetz Chaim
then read a few more pesukim and translated them, word for word, like a child in
cheder, reciting for his rebbi.

When I asked his students what the Chafetz Chaim was doing, they explained:
The Chafetz Chaim says that we are living in times when emunah peshutah,
simple faith in Hashem, has become weakened as a result of the spirit of atheism
engendered by Communism. Yet emunah is central, the essence of everything. And
the way to strengthen it is to learn Chumash as we learned it in our childhood.
This is the meaning of Chazal's statement that "the world exists only for the
sake of the breath of the [holy and innocent] school children" (Shabbos 119b). Our
emunah in Hashem is purest and strongest during our years in cheder. Indeed, Dovid
Hamelech says (Tehillim 8:3), From the mouths of children and
sucklings You have established strength.

We must try to recapture our absolute, unquestioning, simple faith in these holy
words by reliving our first experience of exposure to the Torah at the hands of our
loving cheder rebbi.

The Rav used to quote the Chafetz Chaim's translation of this pasuk
in order to show how prophetic his words were. The nineteenth-centurv
nationalistic fervor to return to the Holy Land culminated in the Zionist
movement and the establishment of the State of Israel. Many people
assumed that the Jewish State would solve all problems of anti-Semitism.
bringing everlasting peace to the Jewish Nation and a secession oi
hatred from the gentile world. Unfortunately, however, the opposite has
occurred. We live but a few decades after the Holocaust, yet already
the Jewish Nation is beset by anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist (the new anti-Semitism)
sentiments. In our own day, we see that the same secular
Zionists who fought to conquer every blade of grass are now willing
to negotiate giving the Land back. The State of Israel is today in more
mortal danger than ever in its sixty-five years of existence. The threat of
nuclear annihilation by its enemies, G-d forbid, looms over it every day.

The Chafetz Chaim was speaking to us when he said, "You will come
to the Land, and you will think that you brought yourselves there.
However, ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????- Only if Hashem brings you to Eretz Yisrael
will it remain as a permanent inheritance."

The saintly Rav Yosef Leib Bloch of Telshe zt"/ explained Chaza/'s
enigmatic statement (Sanhedrin 99) that The son of David will not come until we abandon all hope for redemption,
as follows: The idea that the world's ultimate perfection could come
about as a result of man's efforts to bring the Geulah was expressed
in the Communist, Socialist, and Zionist movements, which were all
designed to bring the world to perfection, as expressed in the Messianic
prophecies. We now see, however, that all of these hopes and ideals
have been for naught and that no man-made movement or philosophy
will bring salvation to the Jewish People. Rather, the Redemption will
come only when ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????? -- -when I [Hashem] will bring you
there. The final Redemption will not come until man
abandons his attempts to artificially fabricate the Geulah with man-made
Messianic ideas.

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Message: 2
From: Micha Berger
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 17:55:47 -0400
[Avodah] When was Pi haAretz created?

I am sure this is addressed by primary sources.

Avos 4:5 lists the 10 things created Bein haShemashos of the first
Shabbos, the first of which is "pi ha'aretz". Rambam, the Bartenura,
Rabbeinu Yonah, etc... all say this is the one that swallowed Korach in
this week's parashah.

But, what Moshe (Bamidbar 16:30) says is, "ve'im beri'ah yivra H'
ufatzesa ha'adamah es piha..."

But according to Avos, the mouth was already created well before Moshe

So, why does Moshe describe the earth opening up to swallo people as a
new beryah?

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 "Someday I will do it." - is self-deceptive. 
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   "I want to do it." - is weak. 
Author: Widen Your Tent      "I am doing it." - that is the right way.
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF                 - Reb Menachem Mendel of Kotzk

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Message: 3
From: Micha Berger
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 17:47:23 -0400
[Avodah] Eitz haDaas and Adas Korach -- Same Chumrah???

So, I am in the middle of being maavir sedra, got to Bammidbar 16:24-26
and caught something strange.

Much is said about the fact that HQBH only banned eating from the Eitz
haDaas (Bereishis 2:17), whereas Chavah reports to the Nachash that they
were told "lo sokhelu memenu velo sige'u vo" (3:3).

Well here, Hashem tells Moshe to tell everyone to get away from (hei'alu)
the dwellings of Qorach, Dasan and Aviram (16:24). Yes, Moshe tells them
(26) to veer from them (suru na) "... ve'al tige'u bekhol asher lahem".

Do you think there is a connection that both cases have the added chumerah
against negi'ah?

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 When memories exceed dreams,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   The end is near.
Author: Widen Your Tent                      - Rav Moshe Sherer
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF

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Message: 4
From: Simon Montagu
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 19:47:26 +0300
Re: [Avodah] When was Pi haAretz created?

On Tue, 8 Jun 2021, 00:56 Micha Berger via Avodah, <avo...@lists.aishdas.org>

> I am sure this is addressed by primary sources.

> So, why does Moshe describe the earth opening up to swallo people as a
> new beryah?

A public speech at a time of crisis is not the moment for theological
niceties. Moshe described the way things would happen from a
straightforward perspective

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Message: 5
From: Rich, Joel
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 22:08:01 +0000
[Avodah] zimmun al hakos

Is zimmun al hakos outside of smachot frequently done in many communities?
Joel rich

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Message: 6
From: Micha Berger
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 18:54:33 -0400
Re: [Avodah] When was Pi haAretz created?

On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 07:47:26PM +0300, Simon Montagu via Avodah wrote:
>> So, why does Moshe describe the earth opening up to swallow people as a
>> new beryah?

> A public speech at a time of crisis is not the moment for theological
> niceties. Moshe described the way things would happen from a
> straightforward perspective

On the other hand, he said the proof of his authority is .... And then
gives an indicator that doesn't actually happen exactly as he describes

You don't find that odd?

Tir'u baTov!

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Message: 7
From: Rich, Joel
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 22:00:40 +0000
[Avodah] ea6ting for brachot rather than brachot for eating?

Did bnai yeshiva not eat granola bars in the time of Moshe Rabbeinu due to
safeik brachot? When did the approach of eating for brachot rather than
brachot for eating take off? Why?
Joel Rich

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